Sir, - May I to bring to residents of Heighington details of what is proposed for the West green (conservation) area, courtesy of the parish council.

Under the heading of the rural bus challenge, it is proposed to refurbish the bus shelters. It is also proposed to place at the top of new 12-foot high bus stops CCTV boxes pointing towards the shelter to counter "vandalism". Other residents and myself have already expressed our concern over this proposal at the January council meeting, and have subsequently written to them confirming this concern.

In the 26 years I have lived in this pleasant rural village, the "vandalism" in the bus shelter area has remained virtually unchanged.

This gross over-reaction to a perceived problem - a "solution" offered by Darlington Borough Council with its urban mindset to our virtually crime-free village - is in marked contrast to the reaction of some of the neighbouring parishes, including Piercebridge, Neasham, and Merrybent. They have wisely settled for bus signs only, advising that nothing else was required.

The area around both greens in Heighington is designated a conservation area, and the last thing needed in our village is for this kind of urban response to an almost non-existent problem.

If you believe this proposal should be stopped, please contact your parish council representative.


Snackgate Lane,


Double standards

Sir, - We are regularly told of the importance of common standards across the European Union and how these will encourage free trade and create business opportunities.

However, not for the first time, it seems that there is one rule for us and another for other countries - this time in the area of humane slaughter of animals.

We have stringent regulations in this country that require all animals to be stunned before slaughter to avoid unnecessary suffering. However, a recent video investigation from Compassion in World Farming has shown that in Greece the practice of pre-stunning is regularly ignored. Some horrific footage of animals being slaughtered while fully conscious has been shown on European television (although I haven't yet seen it on British television).

It is a travesty that Greece has just taken on the presidency of the EU when it so blatantly ignores EU legislation. Urgent action is needed to halt the pain, misery and fear commonly experienced by animals in Greek slaughterhouses.

I shall be writing to the Greek embassy about this and would encourage anyone else to do the same. The address is: The Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic, Mr Alexandros Sandis, Embassy of Greece, 1a Holland Park, London W11 3TP.


Pierremont Crescent,


No incinerator

Sir, - The North York Moors National Park Committee recently turned down plans for a beacon at Danby.

May we offer some advice to the people of Danby. Ask them for a large animal incinerator with a 12-metre-high chimney. They will let you have one of those. We are getting one in Charltons. We don't want it.


