Chester-le-Street TG

DOREEN Yates welcomed everyone to the February meeting.

The evening got off to a late start because the arranged speaker failed to arrive. The meeting was then used for business matters.

A correspondence from headquarters was discussed and views were aired. A speedy recovery was wished to members who were ill.

Dorothy Lowery read the previous minutes and Joyce Gordon gave the financial review. Edna Stokes gave the Federation report after which competitions for Federation Day were discussed.

The theme for the Guild table competition is to be Women at Work in the 21st Century. Ideas were requested.

The door prize was won by Mavis Mitcheson. The competition for an unusual bottle was won by Oliver Cowen with Doreen Donnelly and Margaret Wood runners up.

The second February meeting was opened by Doreen Yeates who introduced Bill Redman, our speaker for the evening. His talk was on Theatre Hats which were modelled by ladies from the floor, a hilarious experience.

Doreen gave the vote of thanks for a most enjoyable talk.

A game of stand up bingo rounded off a very entertaining evening.