A DROP-IN baby clinic with a difference in Derwentside is proving a success.

Health visitors have moved the clinic out of doctors' surgeries and into a popular children's play centre, in a bid to make the service more accessible.

A team of health experts from Derwentside Primary Care Trust is on hand every Friday, 10am-noon, during school term time, at Mr Twisters soft play centre in Consett.

The scheme is the brainchild of Leadgate-based health visitor, Tracey Askew. "I thought that, rather than have people come to us in the clinics, that the clinic should go to the patients," she said.

"I approached Mr Twisters to see if they would accommodate us and they were happy to help. It gives us the space to talk to parents as a group. It brings together all the health visitors within the Consett area, so each can offer their particular expertise."

Parents come from Consett, Stanley, Durham and Gateshead to get their babies weighed and measured and seek advice on a range of health issues.

Topics covered include baby weaning, baby massage, dental health, illnesses and accidents. For further details, call (01207) 215153.