Time marches on and we approach mid-March again. It's a time in the countryside for Mad March Hares who stand on their hind feet and have a boxing match. Eventually they quit and disappear in opposite directions, living to fight another day. Would that we learn from the animals.

As storm clouds gather in the Middle East, we are in danger of events escalating into warfare and inevitable loss of life. Every life is precious and every person is precious to God and yet there appears to be two men who claim to be Christians who are spearheading this whole scenario, when the Lord Jesus says: "Blessed are the peacemakers."

These are indeed dangerous days, and we do need to observe 'the sign of the times' and realise that the Bible states that there will be a moments when God says 'enough is enough'. We had better read The Book, cover to cover. Dangerous and challenging.

Jim Wilkinson, Holybush Christian Fellowship, Thirsk.