PRIME Minister Tony Blair and President George Bush cannot morally justify war with Iraq at the moment, the Bishop of Durham warned last night.

The Right Reverend Michael Turnbull, delivering a message of support to more than 1,000 anti-war protestors who are expected to gather in Newcastle today, urged both leaders to display patience.

He said: "I don't believe that war can be morally justified on the evidence we have before us.

"I realise that Saddam Hussein is a rather evil and wily person but there are signs that Iraq is giving in.

"I am not condoning him, he needs to be stopped but at the moment we need more patience and negotiations.''

The Bishop spoke of a recent pilgrimage to Egypt, Jordan and Israel which had reinforced his belief that war at this time would be wrong.

He said: "I met scattered groups of Christians and drew a stark picture of real life for people of all faiths in the Middle East.

"Many people are subject to horrendous social and physical deprivation, violence and intimidation abound.

"If war breaks out in Iraq they will be the ones who will be subject to more suffering and social and economic dislocation.

"It would take decades to restore any kind of normal life and a generation of children would be condemned to fear and poverty.

"Leaders of nations must avoid this disaster of war which will have such a huge and long-lasting effect. I do not yet hear honest and cogent reason for the invasion of Iraq."