THE skills of hearing dogs were showcased at an information day for the hard of hearing.

Dogs trained not to bark, but to touch and show their hard-of-hearing owners the source of noises, demonstrated their abilities at a free event in Durham on Thursday.

Spotlight on Deafness, organised by Durham County Council's social services department, attracted hundreds of visitors to County Hall.

Opened by television weatherman Bob Johnson, pride of place went to the canine stars.

But it was also a chance to show off a videophone being installed at County Hall.

Two are already in use at social services offices in Framwellgate Moor and Bishop Auckland.

The third will further improve communications for the hard of hearing.

Supplied by the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, they eliminate the need for a sign language interpreter.

Apart from the hearing dogs and videophone, the event provided a chance for companies to exhibit their products.

Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Brigade promoted smoke alarms which draw attention through light and vibration.