A WILDLIFE haven in Darlington is to be declared a local nature reserve.

Brinkburn Pond and surrounding woodland is to be granted the status after consultation between Darlington Borough Council and English Nature.

It will mean the authority can apply for funding to improve and develop the area, which is managed by Durham Wildlife Trust.

John Buxton, the council's development and environment director, said: "Declaring the site as a local nature reserve demonstrates to the people of Darlington that there are areas of land, even within the urban setting, which are of value for wildlife.

"The council recognises the importance of providing these green lungs for the local population to enjoy."

Councillor David Lyonette, the authority's member for the environment, said the overall aim was to provide Darlington with a one hectare local nature reserve for every 1,000 people.

"Clearly, we are a long way from that at the moment but that is English Nature's aim and it is ours too," he said.