CABBIES have accused Darlington Borough Council of wasting their time at a meeting to discuss the shortage of taxi drivers in the town.

Council officials and police met taxi chiefs yesterday after concerns were expressed that the shortage could mean drunken nightclubbers being left in the town centre late at night.

The meeting was closed to the Press and public but drivers said last night that nothing positive had come out of it.

"We are fighting a losing battle with the council," said Nigel Nevison, vice-chairman of Darlington Independent Taxi Traders' Organisation.

"We thought the meeting was about the lack of drivers in Darlington and what to do about it.

"They (the council) openly admitted that they don't have enough drivers, but didn't make suggestions as to what to do about it."

Cabbies say the council's new compulsory tests and raised licence fees are making it difficult to recruit drivers.

They also say an increase in attacks on cabbies and their vehicles is also to blame.

Mr Nevison said a suggestion from the council that the proprietors may need more secure vehicles had infuriated them.

"These will cost about £22,000 to £30,000 and we will have to foot the bill," he said.

Proprietor Peter Singh said: "I was annoyed that the council don't understand why we have a lack of taxi drivers. They came up with nothing."

A council spokeswoman said: "The council has listened to what the taxi drivers have got to say and will work with the police on any issues raised."