PLANS for an outdoor sports pitch that caused controversy among residents are to be pushed forward after being accepted by the community.

Original plans to build a multi-sport, floodlit pitch and youth shelter on grassland near The Wynd in Pelton, Chester-le-Street met with strong opposition from villagers when first raised.

People living in Pelton sent a petition to Chester-le-Street District Council containing 92 signatures and 16 letters of protest, claiming the youth shelter would attract gangs of youths. Residents living near the site said they already had problems with anti-social behaviour from young people such as vandalism and drunken behaviour. There were also fears the floodlights would also prevent children and babies from sleeping.

But after plans submitted by the 3Ps Project were amen-ded and the floodlighting and youth shelter dropped, Chester-le-Street District Council received only one letter of objection. As a result, the council granted planning approval earlier this week.