A CALL centre released about 400 balloons to mark its support for a children's charity.

London Electricity (LE) Group, at Doxford Park, Sunderland, released the balloons as part of a series of similar launches by the firm nationwide, marking the start of its Brighter Futures campaign.

It aims to raise £200,000 for NCH, formerly National Children's Homes, which could generate £1m worth of childcare over the coming year.

Each balloon has a tag on it, which has been purchased by a member of staff for £1, and the tags bear the person's name and LE Group's head office address.

The employee whose balloon is returned from the furthest location will win a hot air balloon ride worth £200.

LE Group chose NCH as its adopted charity for this year following a staff vote.

Among NCH's 480 national projects is the Kite Centre, in Sunderland, which helps victims of sexual abuse and their families.