GOVERNMENT ministers are to be told of the sterling work on Teesside of children's charity NCH.

Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland MP Ashok Kumar revealed he is to recommend the work the charity is doing, offering support to local children and parents at Hemlington, to health and education ministers.

The Labour MP was impressed with a visit he made to the Hemlington Resource Centre, run by NCH where staff have worked with more than 200 children, young people and parents during the last year.

Yvonne Cherrington, project manager at the centre, said: "The support we offer is vital to the community and we want parents to know that we are here for them. As well as reaching parents, we also want to get the message out to local health, education and social work professionals too."

Dr Kumar said: "It is an excellent centre, a model of how to help and give support to the community and people of Hemlington.

"I am going to spread the message to ministers.''