IT is hoped more than 80,000 young people from across Teesside will take part in one of the biggest surveys undertaken in the area.

The Have Your Say lifestyle questionnaire will cover a wide range of issues from what young people get up to in their spare time to more sensitive issues such as bullying, relationships and sexual health.

The survey is being co-ordinated by Connexions Tees Valley and is designed to ensure the service provided across the area is tailored to the needs of all local young people.

Connexions marketing manager Martin Barrett said: "The survey is a massive undertaking but we are determined to make sure the Connexions service really is designed by young people for young people.

"To do this we need to know about the things that are important to young people in the area. The survey will provide this insight.

"It will also provide a benchmark for current provision and a great steer to what support needs to be there in future so all of our young people can reach their full potential."

The questionnaires will be delivered throughout the rest of the month, with hundreds of prizes including mini CD players, mobile phones and Connexions pocket radios offered to encourage a good response.

They are also available at