FRENCH cement company Lafarge UK has been criticised for ignoring an ultimatum presented to it by North-East businessmen.

Disillusioned business leaders in Weardale, County Durham, demanded that the company, which closed its Blue Circle cement works in Eastgate last year, lease them the site or demolish the buildings.

The group, which has formed the Weardale Business Action Forum, gave Lafarge until yesterday to give an answer, but there was no response from the company.

In a letter to forum member John Shuttleworth, who is also the county councillor for the area, the company stated that there were no immediate prospects for lettings on the site.

Coun Shuttleworth said: "There is a serious offer on the table that will create 135 manufacturing jobs - and they are just ignoring it.

"They say they do not have enough information as to whether or not it is viable - but we say it is."

He said that the forum, which met for the first time on Monday night, said the group would meet again to discuss the letter on Wednesday, and this would be followed by a press conference on Friday.

He said: "We have had enough. Something needs doing with that site. Thousands of pounds of tax-payers' money has been spent on reports and reports on reports. We need action.

"We have been forced to set up our own forum because nobody is listening to what the people of the dale want."