THE organiser of a proposed fathers' network group in Darlington is holding a series of information sessions.

David Regan, of the Cockerton and Branksome Living Enterprise (Cable), is holding information sessions at the Crown Street library, in Darlington town centre, on Saturdays from 10am to noon. For details call Cable on (01325) 354084 or Sure Start on (01325) 487718 or 488176.

INQUEST OPENS: An inquest into the death of a retired darkroom technician was opened and adjourned yesterday. Grace Durrant, 81, of Strathmore Court, Barnard Castle, died at Darlington Memorial Hospital on Monday. Her daughter, Irene Campbell, of Kalafat, Barnard Castle, gave evidence of identification to the Darlington inquest.

HEARING ADJOURNED: An inquest was opened and adjourned yesterday, into the death of Cyril Perkins, 86, of Kingsway, Darlington, who died at his home on Saturday.

PUBLIC MEETING: A public meeting has been called to approve the constitution for the West Auckland Village Community Partnership, at West Auckland Methodist Church, at 10.30am today.

KEEP FIT: A women's gentle keep-fit class is being held on Mondays at Howden-le-Wear Community Centre, from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.

HALL MEETING: Westgate Village Hall will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, at 7.30pm.

LENT LUNCHES: St John's Church, Lynesack, is holding Lent lunches for Christian Aid on Thursday, and a fortnight later, on April 10, from noon to 1.15pm, in Copley Village Hall.

FOLK NIGHT: Australian folk musician Martyn Wyndham-Read will be at performing at Darlington Arts Centre on Thursday, March 27, at 8pm. Tickets can be booked on (01325) 486555.

GROUP MEETING: The Cockerton Area Action Group is holding a meeting at the Bowen Road Community Centre, Darlington, on April 2, at 7pm, to vote in committee members.

GIVE BLOOD: A blood donor session will be held at Cockerton Club, Darlington, on Wednesday, from 3pm to 7pm.

THEATRE TALK: Bill Sellars will give a talk on Richmond's Georgian Theatre at a meeting of Darlington Historical Society on Wednesday, at 7.30pm, at Walkington House, Vane Terrace.

CLUB MEETS: Darlington and Teesdale Naturalists' Field Club meets on Tuesday, at 7.30pm, in the Arts Centre, in Vane Terrace. There will be a talk by Ken Cook called Climate Change.