A TEENAGE thief tracked a woman for a mile before robbing her at knifepoint for a diamante necklace.

The victim, in her late 40s, even hid in a fish and chip shop for ten minutes because she suspected she was being followed as she walking home in Ferryhill, on Thursday night.

A Durham Police spokesman said: "She spotted a youth leaning against a wall in the Gladstone Terrace area, just after 7pm.

She walked past him and carried on down Broom Hill when she became aware that he was following her.

"She was obviously concerned and at one stage went into the local fish and chip shop to shake him off.

"She stayed in there for ten minutes, came out and carried on walking home.

"As she did so she spotted him standing against Northern Lights, a shop in the village."

The woman, who has not been named, walked past the youth again and then heard him running up behind her.

He pulled out a knife and held to her throat, then demanded that she give him the necklace, which featured a three-inch silver cross with a diamante decoration.

The woman gave her attacker the jewellery and fled. The woman was left badly shaken but unhurt.

The thief was 5ft 4 in and aged about 16. He had light brown hair and a distinctive slow voice.

He was wearing a light blue hooded top with the hood up. The top had two white hoops on each sleeve. He was also wearing training shoes and jeans.

Detectives want to speak to two girls seen talking with the youth while he was outside Northern Lights.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call Detective Constable Janette Turnbull on (01325) 314401.