A DRUG-dealing woman who used a child to deliver heroin around a housing estate has been jailed for nearly four years.

Police found 34 wraps of heroin in Joanne Beedle's home, in Middlesbrough.

She claimed she was forced into dealing by a gang to pay off drug debts left by her boyfriend, who was in jail, but did not use drugs herself, said Gillian Batts, defending.

Judge George Moorhouse told Beadle, 26: "A report about you said that concerns were raised that you were using a child to deliver drugs around the estate.

"To involve a child in that way is a most serious matter."

Beedle was given a suspended 12-month jail sentence last year for possession of metha-done with intent to supply.

Beedle, of Manor Street, Middlesbrough, was jailed yesterday for three years and nine months after she admitted possession with intent to supply heroin, in June last year.