THOUSANDS of people have joined the NHS Organ Donor Register following a campaign backed by Hambleton District Council.

In October, the authority teamed up with UK Transplant, the national authority supporting transplants, to send households in the district a registration form along with their electoral roll form.

More than 15 per cent of the electorate signed up - adding another 10,533 people to the NHS organ donor register, which has about ten million people on it.

UK Transplant's chief executive, Sue Sutherland, said: "Hambleton residents are can be very proud of this. They have seized the opportunity to give permission for their organs to be used to help others after their death.

"Transplants help to save and transform the lives of thousands of people every year, but hundreds still die because suitable donor organs are not available. Hambleton voters are helping to save lives."

To join the NHS Organ Donor Register, call 0845 60 60 400.