THE Youth Hostel Association's popular holiday centre at Lockton, near Pickering, is to lead the way in energy conservation.

Members of the North York Moors National Park Authority have given the go-ahead for 26 ecological features to be installed at the centre, the former village school, including a dry compost toilet and solar-energy panels.

The association told the authority that the Lockton project would be Britain's first integrated eco-youth hostel.

A spokesman said: "The building will generate its own clean energy, harvest its own water and recycle waste materials, causing no pollution or CO2 emissions. From the outset, the project aims to inspire and inform future schemes."

He added that without significant investment and an investigation of alternative markets, the future of the Lockton centre would be in question. He said: "The improved facilities are aimed at increasing numbers by 50 per cent, partially by developing winter business."

The association dropped plans for a wind turbine after complaints from the parish council, the Council for the Protection of Rural England, and some villagers.