POLICE made 19 arrests and seized quantities of cannabis and heroin during raids on houses in the North-East this week.

A Northumbria Police spokesman said officers from Washington, supported by the dog section, carried out pre-planned raids on 17 houses in the Wearside area on Tuesday, Thursday and yesterday.

On Tuesday, ten arrests were made and all suspects appeared before Sunderland magistrates on Wednesday, when nine were remanded in custody.

On Thursday, seven more arrests were made, with a further two yesterday.

The majority of those arrested were charged with conspiracy to supply heroin. A quantity of heroin and cannabis was seized.

Detective Sergeant Peter Bent said: "The operation was a huge success. It has sent a strong message to the criminal fraternity of Wearside that drug dealing will not be tolerated.

"Further police activity will take place over the next few weeks and more arrests are expected.

"This was not only an enforcement strategy, but the police are also working with partners to extricate and divert people away from drug misuse."