PLANS to restore two run-down former pit villages go on show today.

Durham County Council has linked up with Derwent-side District Council and English Heritage in an attempt to breathe new life into Annfield Plain and Catchgate, near Stanley. The councils are hoping to win Conservation Area status for the historic centres of the adjoining villages.

The award is given to communities with special architectural or historic character that is deemed to be worth keeping or improving.

The application aims to safeguard the centres of the villages. It would also protect features of the Stanhope and Tyne Railway.

It would open the way for homeowners and businesses to apply for English Heritage grants to improve their properties and restore original features.

It would also prevent any future developments that would be out of character with the area and protect existing trees and open spaces. Upgrading the appearance of the area is hoped to increase tourism and should boost house prices.

An exhibition is being held in Catchgate and Annfield Plain Library, to explain the benefits of a Conservation Area. On Monday and Tuesday the event will move to Annfield Plain Co-op store, where officers will be on hand to answer any questions.