YOUNG footballers will be defending the region's honour at an international tournament later this year.

Consett YMCA is sending its 20-strong squad of under-15s boys to Tubingen, in southern Germany, to compete in a European competition. They will be playing against their hosts, plus teams from France, Italy, Switzerland and Russia.

Billy Robson, of Consett YMCA, said: "The team we are sending out is a bit younger than the age limit, but we are still confident that they will compete well."

The contest is held every two years as part of Tubingen's town festival, when residents invite people from their European exchange partners to join in the festivities.

Youngsters from the YMCA visited Tubingen in 1999, through Durham County Council's exchange scheme. The trip was such a success that the festival organisers asked the Consett team to make a return visit.

The squad will set off on July 11 and will receive an official welcome from Tubingen's mayor when they arrive.

They will spend a relaxing day punting on the river before the tournament gets under way.

The teams taking part stay at a campsite next to the football ground, giving youngsters from different countries the chance to meet each other.

Brian Stobie, the council's international officer, said: "Teams from Consett YMCA have taken part in similar events in the past and have always provided good opposition for the international teams they have come across.

"This sort of trip is a good way for young lads, who might not have been attracted to a conventional exchange trip, to meet new friends from very different countries."

Consett YMCA also runs a girls' football team for players aged ten to 14 and is looking for other clubs of a similar age group for friendly matches.

The girls train every Friday at the centre in Parliament Street, Consett, between 6.30pm and 8pm, and are coached by FA badge holder Neil Curran. For details, call (01207) 501852.