Q As I look after my husband who gets Attendance Allowance, I have been given an "underlying entitlement" to Invalid Care Allowance (ICA). This means I do not actually get it because it is more than my retirement pension. So what's the point? We currently pay reduced rent and council tax due to rebates.

A Your rebates will be worked out according to the more generous carers' rules, making you better off.

Q The monthly state pensions for my wife and me are £188.34 and £381.16 respectively. Also I get monthly company pensions of £193.20. My wife has Attendance Allowance and our savings are £6,600. Our council tax is reduced to £46 a month. Could we get more help?

A If you care for your wife for 35 hours a week, you too could have an "underlying entitlement" to ICA, cutting your council tax by £30 a month.

Q I am a single mother earning £110 a week, topped up with Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC) of £177 fortnightly. I get no help with my £96 a week childcare costs. Should I?

A If you have a registered childminder the cost should be allowed. But only if you arranged the care before you claimed WFTC. Otherwise you will not get it until your next claim is due after 28 weeks. Talk it over with the WFTC Helpline on 0845 609 5000.

Q If I am made redundant, what help will I get with my mortgage?

A There is no specific benefits for mortgage payments. They may be taken into account when assessing Income Support (IS) but whether you get help depends upon your individual financial circumstances.

Q Should I pay tax on my War Widow's Pension (WWP) which is paid in addition to my retirement pension (RP) of £29.25 a week? I am 87 and have too much in savings for means-tested benefits?

A WWP is not taxable but I am more concerned about your RP. You should have an over-80s pension if you have lived in the UK for a certain length of time. This would bring your RP up to £45.20 a week. Contact the Pensions Service urgently.