FEARS that villagers must endure traffic chaos for the second time in four months have been expressed.

Councillor Steve Kay has argued that repair work to the A171, at Birk Brow, must not mean Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council closes both carriageways. He made his comments following difficulties in December when both carriageways were closed for safety reasons.

But the council said that there are plans to close only one carriageway when work starts on Monday, April 7.

Coun Kay said: "This work is very necessary but I fear that, before it is finished, the council will resort to closing both carriageways, as it did in December.

"On that occasion, the two-way diversion through Margrove Park, Boosbeck, Lingdale and Stanghow caused severe danger and disruption in the villages. It must not be repeated.

"Even without diversions, Lingdale High Street is badly congested, while High Stanghow has been designated worthy of special attention by the traffic police. A repetition of what happened in December, with diverted traffic travelling in both directions along narrow roads, simply must not happen."

A spokesman for the council said that last time both carriageways were closed for safety reasons because many motorists ignored diversion signs.

This time, measures have been put in place to ensure that the eastbound lane would be kept open.

The repair work will last a week.