PROTESTORS fighting plans to build a recycling and waste transfer plant near their homes have called on county councillors to reject the proposals.

In a last-ditch effort to block the scheme, people in Stainton Grove, near Barnard Castle, intend to appeal to members of the county council's planning committee tomorrow to shelve plans to build the plant near their housing estate.

The meeting at County Hall, in Durham City, could spell the end of a long-running row over the plans, submitted by Premier Waste Management, which has resulted in heated meetings involving Teesdale District Council and Durham County Council.

Local people were so incensed by the proposals that they formed an action group.

Some members threatened to chain themselves to railings to stop bulldozers beginning work on the site.

During a recent meeting of Teesdale District Council - which the county council has consulted on the plans - members narrowly voted in favour of supporting the proposals.

The decision brought angry responses from the public, who heckled councillors for giving the scheme their support.

At tomorrow's meeting. members of the county council will be recommended to support the plans.

But despite that, members of the action group have vowed to travel to the meeting to represent residents' views.

Ruth Renton, of the Stainton Grove Action Group, said: "We hope they see our argument and throw this out. There are concerns about the dangers of increased traffic, the increase in rats and litter around the site and the possibility that local businesses might want to relocate. This could be devastating for Stainton Grove.

"There are many other factors, but we hope the county council, unlike our local council, which has been prepared to ignore our concerns, sees sense and rejects this.

"We will not be there to cause trouble. We are law-abiding and peaceful. We just want to make our case known and we won't give up the fight, even if they pass it."