CHANGES in the law on civil weddings have led to a boom in bookings for a Darlington photographic studio.

Studio 2000, in Darlington, had 65 weddings inquiries last month, leading to dozens of bookings for this year, next year and even one in 2005.

Owner Malcolm Singleton said: "Marriage is alive and well. I'm in no doubt that the changes in the law on civil weddings are at the heart of the renaissance, but I'm still getting just as many, if not more, church weddings."

Studio 2000 was launched on the eve of the millennium by Malcolm and his wife Sarah, 31.

The photographers also cover commercial and corporate photography, but the weddings provide about 75 per cent of the studio's work since it was approved by Kodak Weddings, a free information service offering guidance to brides and grooms on all aspects of their wedding.

Mr Singleton, 47, said: "January is still one of the quietest months of the year for weddings but we've been rushed off our feet taking inquiries and bookings.

"We even taken bookings from Holland and Germany via our website, from people in the North-East wanting to come back here to get married."

For more information phone (01325) 281000 or visit the website at