A BUSINESS group for women in Darlington is holding an "evening of inspiration" to help more women achieve corporate success.

Darlington Women into Business, which was launched by Darlington Business Venture in 2001, provides opportunities for Darlington businesswomen to network and share skills, experiences and ideas.

The network is holding the event tonight at Morton Park Business Training Centre.

Marina Douglas, project co-ordinator, said: "We have been quietly busy, building a very powerful local business support network that can often hold the answers you have been looking for, from information on business start-ups to tapping in to our business mentoring scheme.

The network, which is sponsored by Darlington Borough Council and funded through the European Social Fund, supports members during the start up of their businesses, as well as assisting them to develop and grow their client bases.

Guest speakers at the event will include performance coach Paul Fox, who writes the Coach's Corner tips for The Northern Echo's Business Focus feature which appears every Wednesday.

Anyone wishing to attend the event or find out more about the event or the work of Darlington Women into Business, can call (01325) 289610