A MEDICAL student stole almost £4,000 from a vulnerable old woman in a bid to pay off his mounting debts, a court heard yesterday.

Scott Walker, 21, of Ads-head Road, Redcar, who admitted stealing from the pensioner, appeared at Teesside Crown Court for sentence.

The court heard how Walker, who is studying to become a general practitioner, had taken two bank cards along with their PIN numbers, from the home of the woman, who trusted him.

Repeatedly using the cards Walker had withdrawn a total of £3,800 from two of the woman's accounts.

It was only when the bank telephoned the woman to check if she had drawn £500 that the crime came to light.

Stephen Constantine, defending, said Walker was of previous good character, but while studying had found himself faced with mounting debts.

Walker had at one time taken on a part-time job to help with his finances, but the pressures of his course meant he had to give it up, the court was told.

Mr Constantine said Walker came from a good family and the offences were completely out of character and could only be described as "moments of madness".

Sentencing Walker to 240 hours community punishment, Judge Peter Fox told him: "You have got about as close to the prison door that anyone has without going through."