FURTHER improvements are on the way for a skate park which attracts hundreds of youngsters every week.

Final preparations are under way for the delivery of a £4,500 shelter for the park on Norton Road, near Malton.

The Ryedale Community Safety Partnership has secured funding for the shelter from Home Office grants and it will be installed next week.

Ryedale Youth Action Officer PC Stewart Ashton said: "The site is proving a popular meeting place for many young people. In fact we have had toddlers right up to committed skateboarders in their 30s.

"We realised they needed somewhere to gather and a shelter seemed an obvious next step to improve the facilities.

"I am confident we can secure more grants to provide more lighting, benches and dustbins."

l Since the park opened, there has been a 50 per cent fall in the number of complaints to police about anti-social behaviour by young people in the area