DEBRIS ISSUE: Rubble has now been removed from two areas of the village green, although building materials were still being delivered and left on a parking area and work was about to begin on a third site. It was agreed that steps should be taken to point out the health and safety issues to site owners and to ensure that the parish council was not liable.

METCALFE'S FARM: Various difficulties were discussed involving the proposed development of Metcalfe's Farm, Reeth. It was agreed to seek the advice of the Parish Councils' Association regarding the question of access over parish ground. Concerns were also raised about the safety of buildings on the site

DOG FOULING: Following a letter from residents in Mill Hill, it was agreed that dog fouling signs were required along the footpath beside Arkle Beck. However, it was pointed out that little could be done unless firmer action was taken by witnesses to follow up and report known offenders.

SEAT SITE: The clerk reported that the Major Williams' Walking Group was delighted with the suggested site for the memorial seat on the green with a view of Fremington Edge.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be on Monday, April 28, at 7pm, in the Memorial Hall.