RAIL inspectors are investigating a near-miss after a passenger train passed a red light on a busy stretch of line in a North-East city centre.

The Rail Inspectorate confirmed last night it is staging an inquiry into the incident, in which an Arriva Northern train travelled 328 yards beyond a signal at Newcastle's Manors Station.

A collision was averted as an oncoming driver saw the Arriva service go through the red light, known in the industry as a signal passed at danger (Spad), and managed to safely stop.

Details only emerged yesterday of the incident, which took place as the Arriva train, carrying shoppers and commuters from the Metro Centre, left Newcastle Central Station bound for Morpeth, Northumberland, on Saturday, January 18, at 3.17pm.

It is understood the driver was suspended pending the outcome of the investigation as it was his second alleged red light breach.

Drivers are required to undergo an official review if they are responsible for three Spads.

A Rail Inspectorate spokeswoman said last night: "An independent investigation is ongoing.

"The crew has been interviewed and the conductor has filed a report."

She said it could take up to three months to complete, but the train operating company would be informed of the outcome.