A SEMINAR highlighting the benefits of prescribing an anti-smoking treatment during pregnancy was held yesterday.

About 60 doctors, obstetricians and pharmacists attended The Benefits of Prescribing Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) in Pregnancy seminar, at Durham's Ramside Hall Hotel.

The audience heard arguments in support of the treatment, and about the wide-ranging and effective support services available to pregnant women who decide to give up smoking.

Key speakers included Dr Hayden McRobbie, research fellow in the tobacco dependence research and treatment psychology section at Barts Hospital in London, and the London School of Medicine.

He said: "Using NRT during pregnancy is undoubtedly safer than smoking. In the general population, NRT roughly doubles your chance of success, and there is no reason as to why it should not help pregnant smokers. To have the best chance of success, it should be used along with motivational support."

The seminar was organised by Durham and Chester-le-Street, Easington, and Sunderland Primary Care Trusts' (PCT) smoking cessation services