PLANS to build 75 homes on a former prison gardens site has won the support of Northallerton Town Council.

Members were considering a scheme at Knottobottom - a joint venture between Yuill Homes and Broadacres Housing Association.

Mayor Councillor Jack Dobson contrasted the number of houses planned with a scheme in Crosby Road.

He said the Crosby Road project had a density per hectare of 54. The figure for the prison gardens was only 29, he added.

Coun Dobson said: "There is not a three-storey home in sight," referring to the inclusion of three-storey apartment blocks in plans for the Crosby Road development.

But he praised the fact that the new scheme includes some sheltered accommodation.

"There is a great deal of interest in this and lots of people have been looking over the plans," he said.

"The town council thinks this is a superb development and we want to see more schemes like this.