TRADING standards officers are warning people to ignore a get-rich-quick chain letter which has been sent to homes in Darlington.

The letter promises to make the receiver £40,000 within 60 days if they post £10 to a given address.

It says: "Anyone with a pulse can become successful and make their fortune with this system."

The letter asks people to put their name at the bottom of a mailing list, which they then photocopy and send to 200 people, along with £10 to the first name on the list.

Darlington Borough Council said it had received several queries about the letter from concerned householders.

Trading Standards officer Alan Smith warned people not to be hoodwinked into parting with their cash.

He said: "As with any get- rich-quick scheme, do not send any money to it. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.