RESIDENTS have objected to plans to allow a takeaway to open longer.

Planning permission was granted on appeal in November 2000 to change a unit in Clifton Avenue, Billingham, from a shop into a hot-food takeaway.

Approval was granted on condition that the takeaway opened from 10am to 11pm Monday to Saturday, and that it was shut on Sundays and bank holidays.

On Friday, Stockton Borough Council's planning committee will discuss plans to extend the opening hours to 11.15pm Monday to Saturday, and to allow the takeaway to open from 4pm to 10.30pm on Sundays and bank holidays.

The council has received a 230-signature petition, a series of smaller petitions and 11 letters of objection to the plans. Concerns raised include a fear that longer hours would worsen traffic problems, lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour and disturb neighbouring residents.

A report to the committee said: "The existing opening hours are considered to represent a reasonable compromise between the needs of the takeaway's proprietor and neighbouring residents.

"However, the opening hours now proposed are considered to be excessive and it is envisaged neighbouring residents would suffer an overtly detrimental loss of amenity as a result.

"The existing opening hours currently give relief to neighbouring residents during Sundays and at other sociable hours, and coincide with other late night activity in the area."

Committee members are being recommended to refuse the application.