BRITISH National Party candidate Trevor Agnew has denied being expelled from the UK Independence Party.

The party said it had withdrawn his membership because of his links to the BNP. But Mr Agnew, who is standing for election to Darlington Borough Council in the Harrowgate Hill ward, said he was never a member of the party. He said he refused to represent the UK Independence Party because it did not have a tough enough stance on asylum.

SAMARITANS SCHEME: Darlington Samaritans has applied for permission to build a two-storey extension and improve disabled access at its premises in Woodland Road.

COUNCIL MEETINGS: Sedgefield Borough Council holds its next cabinet meeting on Thursday, in the council offices, Spennymoor, at 10am. The development control committee will meet there on Friday, at 10am.

LUNCH DATE: The Association of North-East Widows (Anew) will hold its fifth anniversary lunch tomorrow, at Darlington Indoor Bowling Centre. Anew offers support and friendship to those who have lost their partners. To find out more call Barbara Wilkes on (01325) 482887.

DINE OUT: The New Life Christian Centre, in Villiers Street, Spennymoor, holds a lunch club every Tuesday, from 12pm to 2.30pm.

STORE FUNDS: Staff at the Asda store in Spennymoor raised £905 for Comic Relief by holding a raffle. Store manager Graham Bennett dressed in drag for the day.

SCHOOL SALE: Tow Law Millennium Primary School is holding a table-top sale on Sunday. Sellers should arrive for noon and buyers from 1pm. Tables cost £5. To book call (01388) 730283 or Cath on 730020 during office hours.

WHIST DRIVE: Kirk Merrington Women's Institute is hosting a whist and domino drive on Saturday, at 2pm, in the village hall.

COUNTRY MUSIC: Crook Cricket Club's next country and western and line dancing night is on Saturday, at 8pm.

CHURCH TALK: The Reverend Malcolm Potter, from Corporation Road Baptist Church, will speak at an event organised by the Churches Together group on Monday, at 1pm, in St Cuthbert's Church Centre, in Darlington Market Square.

JUMBLE SALE: St Clare's Guides group is holding a jumble sale next Tuesday, from 10am to noon, in St Clare's Church Hall, Newton Aycliffe.

TOWN FORUM: A meeting of the Newton Aycliffe Town Centre Forum will be held on Monday, in the Great Aycliffe Town Council offices, School Aycliffe Lane, at 3pm.