LEADING members of Durham County Council could get inflation-busting pay rises of up to £6,000.

An independent panel has recommended the rises for the Labour council's ten-strong cabinet.

The panel is recommending a £6,000 rise to £16,764 for deputy leader Don Ross and a £5,000 increase to £26,528 for leader Ken Manton. Other cabinet members would get an increase of £5,500 to £10,882 and rises of £5,500 and £4,500 are proposed for the chairman and vice-chairman of the council's scrutiny committee.

As well as these special responsibility allowances cabinet members receive the basic allowances that all councillors get. The panel recommends that this be increased from £7,206 to £7,458.

The Independent councillor for Weardale, John Shuttleworth, criticised the panel's recommendations.

"It will create two tiers of councillors. I don't believe that cabinet members do any more work than ordinary councillors.

"It is really insensitive given the council tax increase this year and the bigger rise last year and I'm sure it will annoy a lot of people - particularly when services have been cut.''

But Coun Manton said his role was in effect a full time job running the 'biggest business in County Durham.'