Safety measures are to be taken on an accident blackspot, following yet another smash.

A driver escaped with minor facial injuries after his articulated lorry crashed on a sharp bend on the slip road linking the southbound end of the A19 Teesside Viaduct with the westbound carriageway of the A66, on the edge of Middlebrough.

Two lives have been lost in recent years, negotiating the notoriously tight bend.

As its latest casualty was taken to hospital; his lorry left lying on its side - completely blocking the road after demolishing 70 feet of roadside barrier - Auto Link, the company managing the A19, disclosed it is to take action.

A spokeswoman said a sign warning drivers of the sharp bend was to be installed.

A mandatory 50mph speed limit was also to be imposed on all slip roads at the interchange replacing the advisory 30mph limit which exists at the scene of yesterday's crash. Improvements are also to be made to the white lines.

Those steps will be taken this financial year - a move welcomed by Cleveland Police.

A Force spokeswoman said: "We would welcome any improvement to make roads safer to drive.'' Self employed haulier Stephen Horn wrote off his rig and nearly himself when his truck careened over on the same slip road last year.

He said: "I am over the moon that something at last is being done.

"I went over and I was only doing 22 mph,'' he said. "It was low speed roll over. It is the camber of the road; it bends the wrong way. It chucks you into the centre rather than the nearside, the opposite way to the line of the road.''

He said he would not risk trying to drive a car down the slip road at 50mph.

"Thirty is still too fast,'' Mr Horn said. "We are talking about a virtual 360 degree turn. It's too tight a bend.''