AN appointment has been made to help steer a project to redevelop a derelict strip of land along the River Tees.

Roland Todd has been appointed as Stockton Borough Council's labour market co-ordinator to work on the North Bank Development, in Stockton.

The post is funded through the European Social Fund and Single Regeneration Budget and Mr Todd will work with local employers to assess employment opportunities on the North Bank.

Mr Todd will also work closely with businesses to identify any skill gaps to ensure people have the relevant skills so they are in the best position to benefit from the jobs that will be created.

Councillors last year agreed an outline planning permission for the scheme after English Partnerships lodged an application to create a research park, caf, pub or restaurant, car showroom and riverside promenade, between the Princess Diana Bridge and David Lloyd Centre at the Tees Barrage.

There are also plans for a new footbridge across the river.

It is hoped the plans will generate significant employment opportunities in the area by creating a distinctive development.

It is also hoped it will enhance the landscape of the site and provide new and improved pedestrian, cycling and public transport links to the area.

At present, a garage car showroom and old industrial units occupy a small part of the site in the west, with some residential properties, a transport depot and some industrial units on the northern part of the site.

It is expected the development will take about five or six years to complete.

Mr Todd said: "I will be working in partnership with a variety of statutory and voluntary organisations to ensure all employment opportunities are made available and are accessible to as many local residents as possible.

"I will also be involved in undertaking a variety of research, including a mapping exercise of current provision, skill levels required by employers and the skill levels of local people."