A POLICE wildlife expert has warned green-fingered members of the public that they are breaking the law if they cut back hedgerows at this time of the year.

Sergeant Eddie Bell, wildlife liaison officer for Derwentside police division, said he had already received several calls this year from people complaining about damage being done on hedgerows where birds were nesting.

He said: "To protect birds and their eggs it is an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act to disturb hedgerows during the nesting season.

"People risk prosecution if they interfere with nesting habitat in the spring and summer and should avoid doing so at all costs.

"Gorse bushes are also a nesting habitat and the popular practice by farmers of setting fire to stretches is also illegal."

Sgt Bell said people also needed to be aware that the destruction of ancient hedgerow was an offence at any time of the year.

He said: "Anyone wanting to uproot ancient hedgerow for whatever reason should make contact with their council and ensure they have permission before doing so."