Q I read in the paper that, in the Budget, Gordon Brown announced a £19 a week increase in incapacity benefit (IB). When will it start?

A Many papers reported this incorrectly. The Chancellor was saying that people coming off IB to start work would in future have a guaranteed income of at least £194 a week - £19 more than now. This does not mean a general increase in IB.

Q I am 60 with a works pension of £452.79 a month and weekly Incapacity Benefit of £70.95. Our council tax is £779.65 a year. My wife, aged 55, has no income. Can I claim any benefit for her?

A No but you can claim council tax benefit of about £10 a week.

Q My husband's firm has asked him to work on beyond 65. Should he claim his state pension or put it off?

A His earnings will not affect his pension if he claims it. If he puts off claiming he will earn increments that will increase his pension by about 7.5 per cent for each year of deferment.

Q My wife and I have retirement pensions of £171.54 in total. I have a works pension of £48.72 a month and attendance allowance (AA). My daughter is working and lives with us. Can I get a rebate on my council tax of £90 a month?

A As you have AA, your daughter is ignored, giving you a rebate of about £11 a week. However, this will go up to about £15 if your wife claims underlying entitlement to invalid care allowance.

Q Our council tax is £816.62 a year. My husband's state pension is £75.50 plus attendance allowance. Mine is £45.45 and there is a private pension of £227.24 a week. Can we get a rebate?

A Yes. £11 a week but again, if you claim underlying entitlement to invalid care allowance, you will get a full rebate.

Q My wife has a state pension on my contributions. What will happen to it should I die before her?

A Your basic state pension would pass on to her and, because you are already a pensioner, she would get all your SERPS too. Half your graduated pension would pass to her as well.