LIBRARIES are to offer music fans the chance to hear live performances.

The third Live in the Libraries series, organised by Durham County Council, will feature clarinet quartet Ensemble 4 which will be playing the B flat and the smaller and larger versions of the instrument.

The quartet will play at Newton Hall, Lanchester, and Murton libraries, from Tuesday to Friday, May 20 to May 23, at 7.30pm.

Ensemble 4 is known for a wide range of music styles, which they describe as being "from Bach to the Beatles and beyond".

The group members are Paul Sanders, Neil Hickling, Stephanie Reeve and Angus Meryon.

Live in the Libraries is a Durham County Council project that aims to make live music available to everyone, not just people in larger towns.

Alan Hood, the council's music development officer, said: "Libraries are ideal venues because they are community focal points and often have the facilities for hosting small scale concerts.

"This will be the third Live in the Libraries series and we are expecting it be just as popular as the last one, which sold out a week before the performances," he said.

Tickets for the concerts and further details are available from the libraries.