North Lodge WI: THE April meeting was presided over by the new president J Rennie who welcomed 32 members.

The minutes and correspondence were dealt with by Mrs Rennie and the new secretary A Piggot.

Arrangements were finalised for the Moor group meeting to be hosted by North Lodge at the Parish Centre.

The raffle was won by June Thompson and the lemon curd made by Mabel Winter will compete with others at the group meeting.

Freda Greenwell gave her report from the spring annual meeting at Bishop Auckland.

Barbara Mann, the speaker, gave an interesting account of the founding and working of the Butterwick Hospice for Children at Stockton with members donating to this worthwhile cause.

Joyce Whitmore gave the vote of thanks.

A choc-a-holics stall rounded off the meeting and members are looking forward to an outing in June to Skipton.

Hermitage TG

MEMBERS had a highly entertaining night in April with slides, chat and banter between Mr Nixon and his friend Dennis.

We had wonderful photographic views of Durham, city and countryside, and extracts read from their book with great humour.

Sadly we mourned the loss of member Anne Meek.

The business of the meeting was conducted by Mrs Lancaster and minutes read by Mrs Wood, who reported that arrangements for the competition table on Federation Day were well in hand.

Programmes and tea tickets available for Tuesday, June 17.

Our next meeting, on Tuesday, May 6, is our 34th birthday party. Entry will be by ticket as visitors have been invited to join us to enjoy the singing of Joyce Shaw our special guest.

The National Council meeting this year is at Birmingham on Thursday, July 10.

Several members of the group will be attending a health and beauty day in Sunderland.

Chester-le-Street TG

DOREEN Yeates welcomed everyone to the April annual general meeting. Members who were ill were mentioned and wished well by everyone.

Dorothy Lowery read the minutes and gave an entertaining resume of the year.

Joyce Gordon then gave the final financial review and details of competitions for Federation Day were discussed and the Federation report was read by Nellie Poole.

Members night on Monday, May 12, was mentioned. Margaret Wood kindly offering her services, Sylvia offered to assist. Thank you Margaret and Sylvia.

Presentations were then made to Olive and June who resigned from the committee owing to family commitments. they were thanked for their hard work and sterling service.

Joyce resigned as treasurer. She was thanked for her efficiently and hard work in the post and luckily we will still have her services on the committee. Margaret Punchon and Irene McCartney were warmly welcomed onto the committee.

Congratulations to Bessie Parker who won the competition cup. The evening continued with the serving of cheese and wine, always a popular event.

The second April meeting was opened by Doreen who introduced Joe Collins, chairman of the People's Kitchen. We learned about its history, the providing of friendship and food, a place where people can meet and chat.

Doreen gave the vote of thanks for a most enjoyable talk. Names were checked for outings and information given.

Wentworth Park WI

THE annual meeting of Wentworth Park WI was held at Ouston Community Centre on Thursday, April 10.

We gave an excellent rendition of Jerusalem, minutes were read and the group meeting discussed. The group then celebrated with Maureen Barwick, Joan Harker and Dorothy Smith by singing Happy Birthday to them.

Valerie Richardson won the rose bowl for competition entries over the last year but unfortunately was unwell and could not be at the meeting to receive her well-earned prize.

Reports on the past year were given by the treasurer, secretary and president.

The meeting was then handed over to Audrey Flanagan, who was attending our annual meeting as WI advisor. Mrs Flanagan took nominations for the committee and Audrey Stephenson was re-elected as president.

Mrs Flanagan continued with some information on the usefulness of resolutions and some amusing stories about her run with the baton last summer.

Mavis Wilkinson entered and won our lemon curd competition. Her entry will go forward to the group meeting.

Marjory Nichols won the door prize.

The evening finished with a quiz supplied by Maureen Barwick and a faith supper donated by all the members.

Merry Oaks WI

THE group met in April when Bob Kelly told of his family's interest collecting Hummel ornaments.

It was a most interesting talk. He told of the young German girl's love of drawing and painting in the Twenties. She later became a nun and a German pottery produced the figures from her paintings. They are in great demand today and very valuable.

Mr. Kelly judged the competition, a Hummel figure. Margaret Salkeld was first and Margery Chesterton was second.

The raffle, in aid of county funds, was won by Hilda Bruffell. She won first prize of an Easter Simnel Cake, made by Margaret Salkeld and Ruth Moore won the wine.

The business was dealt with by Edith Hall.

Merry Oaks is holding a charity evening on Wednesday, May 21, in Nevilles Cross School with a concert by SNUG from the Derwentside area and the proceeds are for SNUG.

Tickets for the concert are available at £3. Members and guests should call (0191) 386 5334 for more details.