WACKY fundraiser Ron Gordon turned stomachs with his latest stunt.

A daredevil of the disgusting, Teesside's Mr Endurance made a meal of raising money for an Iraqi War orphan.

He answered a bet to publicly dine on sheep's eyeballs, topped off with 400 maggots and rag and lugworms, yesterday.

He endured the indignity for Ali Ishmael Abbas, the 12-year-old who lost his parents and both arms when a Coalition missile hit his house in Baghdad, more than a month ago.

Mr Gordon is a master of his art, having previously been covered from head to toe in plaster of Paris for a week and had his beard plucked out with tweezers over five hours. He has also been pulled by a fire engine and buried up to his neck in sand on a winter's day.

Even as Mr Gordon answered his latest challenge at Marton Cricket Club, Middlesbrough, there were reports that Ali Ishmael continues to make good progress in a Kuwaiti hospital.

A skin graft operation went better than expected, said doctors, who had planned to cover 50 per cent of his badly burnt torso, but ended up covering 75 per cent.