DANCERS who have lessons at Primrose Hill Community Centre in Stockton are staging a dance show which they have choreographed.

The Talent Show will feature a number of dance routines by children aged between seven and 15 who live near the centre.

Four girls who have dancing lessons on Saturdays have planned the moves for the production. Jodie Murray, 15, said: "I have enjoyed working with the younger children because they have worked really hard.

"I would really like to do something like this again."

The aim of the show is raise the confidence, self esteem and sense of achievement in the children who take part as well as to have fun.

Denise Cann, of the centre management committee, said: "It is good to see the kids getting involved in something like this.

"It has given them something to do on a Saturday and it has stemmed from the crafts club, which is supported by the youth club at the centre."

The show will be held tomorrow, at 6.30pm.