MILITARY SHOW: A military vehicle and militaria show takes place at the Harperley PoW camp, near the A68 roundabout at Fir Tree, on Saturday and Sunday, June 7 and 8.

Attractions include a Second World War searchlight display, vintage cars, vehicle spares, a fun fair and stalls. Admission is £4, or concessions £2. For vehicle and stall entries contact Jon and Elaine Kerr on tel/fax (01429) 275408.

DANCE DATE: A midsummer dance takes place on Saturday, June 7, from 7pm to midnight, in the marquee at PoW Camp 93, with the Clive Collins Band. Tickets cost £10, which includes pie and peas supper. They are available by telephoning 07801 583680 or 07734 419196.

TODDLER GROUP: Hartside Community Centre, Crook, is resuming its mother and toddler group on Tuesday, June 3, from 9am to 11.15am. The group will also run on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the same time. The cost is £1 per child. For details telephone Diane on (01388) 766136.

PRESENTATION: At a meeting of the Crook Community Partnership, Geoff Mowbray presented a crystal bowl to Ruby and David Neil in appreciation of their service to the partnership. Mr and Mrs Neil will be leaving Crook.

FAMILY DISCO: Crook Cricket Club is holding a family disco on Saturday, from 7pm to 11pm. Cricket coaching for under-13s and under-15s takes place on Saturdays, from 10am to noon.

SPRING FAIR: St Thomas Church, Stanley, Crook, is holding a spring fair from Monday to Wednesday next week, between 10am and 4pm each day. Also on show is a history exhibition provided by the Tow Law Deerness and District History Society.

MINING TALK: An illustrated talk on Killhope and the lead miners will be presented at a meeting of Howden-le-Wear Local History Society today in the history room at the community centre.