PAEDOPHILES are surfing the Internet to find child prostitutes in a North-East town.

They are using Internet maps and message boards to pinpoint pick-up points for children involved in vice.

The revelations were made at a conference called to discuss the growing menace of Internet prostitution.

Child and healthcare professionals meeting in Middlesbrough heard how people involved in "the oldest profession" are using the latest technology to further their aims.

Child therapist Wendy Shepherd, from the Barnardo's children's charity, told delegates: "Message boards will say where to find a 14-year-old girl and on what street corner she will be standing."

The delegates were also told:

* From March 2000 up to last week, 168 people under the age of 18 were identified as having been sexually exploited or at risk of exploitation on Teesside;

* Perverts were targeting drug-addict prostitutes advertising on the Internet, "drip-feeding" them money to feed their habit, and offering extra cash to procure a child for sex;

* A male therapist had been appointed in response to the problem of rent boys working Middlesbrough's streets;

* Men were visiting Middlesbrough to buy sex, turned on by Internet images of drug-addict prostitutes;

* Internet consumer guides to prostitutes were emerging, complete with a glossary of abbreviations describing sexual services. Comments on performance, customer feedback and notes on cleanliness, central heating and car parking if the prostitute was working from a house.

Police also told of their concerns that porn Internet images are being circulated around Britain's prison population.

A sexually explicit picture of a Middlesbrough prostitute is said to have been confiscated in Holme House Prison, Stockton.

Ms Shepherd and her team have helped 33 girls and young women - some as young as 14 - to get free from their life of prostitution in the past two years.

Cleveland Police sergeant Dave Mead said of the men who provide feedback to the Internet guides: "These punters give these young women money for sexual services, knowing they are going to spend the money destroying themselves on drugs, then castigate them for being emaciated, looking ill, smelling or having rotten teeth.

"It highlights the complete disregard these men have for the young ladies."