HUNDREDS more jobs could be created in North-East tourism, thanks to a new regional emphasis on the industry.

Tourism leaders and industry specialists have formed an influential taskforce to look at the issues and opportunities facing this growth sector.

The interim Regional Tourism Forum (iRTF), headed by a former chief executive of the British Tourist Authority, Jeff Hamblin, brings together experts in the field of hospitality, skills, marketing and culture to improve the climate for tourism businesses in the region.

With expert guidance from One North-East and Northumbria Tourist Board, this short-term taskforce includes representatives from inside and outside the region, and it met for the first time last Friday.

Tim Cantle-Jones, board member for tourism at One North-East, said: "The formation of the iRTF was a recognition that there was a wealth of experience that could be drawn upon to direct a programme of support for the sector and I am delighted that such a high calibre of people are now sitting round the table to see the way forward for tourism."

In addition to One North-East and NTB, representatives on the group include Terry Laybourne, chef and restaurateur; Stewart Lorimer, general manager of Marriott Gosforth Park; Neil Rami of the Newcastle Gateshead Initiative, and John Crummie of DFDS Seaways.

Key players from the four sub-regional partnerships and local authority representatives will also sit on the iRTF, ensuring the views of Northumberland, Durham, Tyne and Wear and Tees Valley are equally represented.

One of the group's first tasks will be to take up the challenges set out in the new regional tourism framework. Almost a year in the researching, the framework, compiled by NTB and backed by One North-East, aims to encourage a more customer-led approach to tourism.

Peter Sloyan, chief executive of NTB, said: "In a changing world where visitors are becoming more discerning, demanding and increasingly seeking memorable experiences, there is a need to be aware of and understand the changes that are taking place.

"We need to develop our knowledge of where our visitors of tomorrow will come from and what they will want. We need to dance with our visitors."

In the North-East, tourism now accounts for 10pc of both the region's GDP and all regional employment. One of the aims of the iRTF will be to improve these figures.

Jeff Hamblin, iRTF chairman, said: "This stronger focus on tourism nationally is something I welcome and I am particularly keen to see this region get a bigger share of the visitor market.

"Although each English region is adopting a different approach to the new structure, I think the model for the North-East is a good one - drawing from different professionals and using the excellent tourism framework as a starting point."