TWO leading tourist organisations have joined forces to give an authentic glimpse of a county's colourful, and often violent, past.

English Heritage has teamed up with the Royal Armouries to bring the past back to life at some of its sites in North Yorkshire.

Re-enactment staff from the Royal Armouries will be making guest appearances, with characters from the 11th to the 20th Centuries to show people what it would have been like on the front line through the ages.

The first co-venture will be on June 7 and 8 at Richmond Castle, when life in the First World War will be explored through living history camps and battle re-enactments.

Other events with Royal Armouries experts including People of Invasion, at Helmsley Castle, on August 2 and 3, and Richard III's Royal Progress, at Middleham Castle on August 16 and 17.