A NEW centre for people with sight and hearing impairments is opening in Darlington.

The centre, which will be at Darlington Arts Centre, is currently being used by Darlington Borough Council's social services department as a drop-in for people with learning disabilities.

The refurbished centre was opened in December, soon after the council took over the building. Council officials said drop-in centres were needed throughout the borough and so the service currently provided in Darlington will be spread around the area.

Vane House will be turned into the first resource centre of its kind in the town for the people with sight and hearing problems.

Previously people had to travel to Teesside for specialist services and advice but people who use the new service will have access to a wide range of equipment including computers. There will be a purpose-built kitchen with specially adapted equipment for people with sight problems so they can learn how to cater for themselves or try out the latest utensils before they buy them.

A service will also be provided to allow clients to have their own equipment adapted or repaired.

The new centre will be open during working hours and trained staff will be on hand to help and assist.

It is hoped when the centre is fully operational in the summer it will help around 200 clients aged 16 years and over.

Bill Dixon, the Council's Cabinet Member for Social Services, said: "This is an exciting new project and it brings a service to Darlington for the first time. We can provide the service people need right in the town centre."