WITH the arrival of light, warm summer evenings the RSPCA is urging motorists on the region's roads to slow down for wildlife.

The charity sees a dramatic rise in the number of wild animals, from hedgehogs to deer, killed on the roads during the summer months.

"Our region is made up of thousands of miles of rural roads, as well as urban highways, and as a result, each year wildlife of all shapes and sizes falls victim to motorist," said RSPCA wildlife expert Geoff Edmond.

"The RSPCA is asking drivers to kill their speed and save a wild animal, and be aware of the likelihood of animals crossing rural roads."

The animal rescue charity has estimated that between five and ten badgers and deer are killed on the roads in the North-East and Yorkshire each week.

Inspector Edmond said: "It is a great privilege to see a deer, a badger or a fox in the wild, but at this time of year you have more chance of seeing one dead at the side of the road. The RSPCA would like to change that this summer."